The voices in my head are trying to kill me 

***Trigger Warning***

Do it.

End it.

There is that voice in side my head telling me to kill myself. To end it all.

Telling me I have taken my last breath on this earth. My heart has had its last beat.

I’m done.

I’m fighting against the urge to give in.

Trying to find reasons to fight.

I have no one to talk to. No one to help me.

‘No one will care’ she says.

‘They’ll be better off without you’

‘You’re worthless’ she tells me.

‘You just make people miserable’

‘They’re sick of you’

‘No one wants you’

‘You’re fat, you’re ugly’

‘No one loves you’

‘They don’t want you around, they won’t miss you’

‘They’ll get over it’

The voice inside my head playing it’s own little monologue of torment. Willing me to give in. Desperate for me to end my life.

Whilst I’m desperate to find the reasons not to. I feel like I’m failing. I’m coming up short.

For years I have fought this battle and I always hoped id win in some ways. But I’m losing.

I feel sometimes like that vindictive little voice may have a point.

Iv spent so long listen to that voice it’s like what she says has been drilled into my brain. Like she’s right, No one will care. No one will miss me.

I just want to scream. I don’t want to constantly fight the voices inside my head anymore. The constant belittling. The judging. The questions. The invalidation.

I can’t do it anymore.

Please just get the hell out of my head!

Let me me.

9 thoughts on “The voices in my head are trying to kill me 

  1. I hate that voice and everything that she tells me. I wish I knew how to shut her the hell up so that I could tell you what to do, but there’s no simple answer to this. All I can say is be strong. And, despite what that voice says, you will be missed. I promise you, you’ve made a difference in someone’s life – even if you’re unaware of it. Keep your head up and don’t let the voice control you.


  2. hugs for you my lovely you are not bad or worthless and i love reading your words i would miss not hearing from you! 🙂 dont do anything to end your life stay here and keep going! you are strong! xxx


  3. Hi, this is the first time I read your blog… I think you win and become an inspiration to others everytime you stay alive. You will be missed and I am sure plenty of people loves you. Stay strong! 🙂


      1. I just read your thoughts. 1st timer. I just wanted to know how you are doing. My voice is playing the same game.


  4. Thanks for sharing, feel your struggle with it, you are not alone, reasons for this voice could be anything, I hope you stay strong to resist and find a way to get on, pushing the voice backwards and asking other voices or thoughts to come. Me, taking a walk outside, nature, so search things to comfort, to distract… Wish you much courage to continue… !:)


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